Sunday, April 25, 2010



I did my interview with Mr. James Moody who is a teacher in the Mobile County School System. Before the interview I told Mr. Moody this was an interview about technology in the school systems and what his opinion of this subject is. Some of the Questions I covered included:

1)What does being a technology literate teacher mean to you?

He answered: Being a technology literate teacher is when you use and take advantage of the technology available to you, and you make it work for you in the classroom. It also helps to encourage your student to be more technology literate and it makes learning more fun and easy.

2) Is it important to be a technology literate teacher?

He Replied: Yes, I would say that it is prominent as technology is, and is becoming in this day in age it is very crucial. If you don't know how to use the technology that your students are using then how would you expect to teach them with it.

3) What should a technology literate teacher know?

His Response: A technology literate teacher should know everything the student knows. Everything a student is expected to learn, and MORE! The teacher should always know and thing=k a level above the students. How would a student learn from someone who only knows as much as they themselves know.

4) What are some ways you use technology in your classroom?

He answered: One of the main ways I use technology is through google presentations. I create google presentations to present lessons and also allow my students to create their work in this style. Any project I assign my students, they are given the choice of making it it google presentations.

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