Personal Learning Environment
The first thing you notice when you watch this video is how it is set up. I loved how organized everything was and how it was all set up on one big screen. It just seemed like it made everything so much easier to access and easier to use. It also allows so much detail. I think having PLE's and PLN's set up this way would help tremendously as far as technology is concerned.
I absolutely loved this video! Even though it was short it was so inspiring! Especially to someone who is an education major that will be working with kids. I thought the question "Whats My Scentence?" was such an awesome concept. It really makes you think about what kind of impression you want to make. You want to leave a legacy for people to remember you ny for forever and that is a big deal! The second question was awesome as well. It was "Am I better today than yesterday?" and that alone speaks volumes. everyday is a new clean slate and you make it based on how you react. Im so glad I got the chance to see this video it really does just inspire and reminds us to strive for better.
Two questions that can change your life from Daniel Pink on Vimeo.
I really enjoyed this video also. I could not come up with a complete sentence that described me. Good luck with your future.